Um, look at Quincy's face - he does not look happy with his mom (maybe because the water was cold?)
Kellan showing us his "angry" face (and then he said, "I'm not angry," and laughed)
The Jacobs Family
This pic belongs on the cover of a magazine
Oooh, artsy black and white pics of Quincy and his daddy, and mommy
Kellan's new "thing" is to pet Bailey and say, "She's my best friend"
Then he gives her a hug - too cute! He is such a good & loving boy!
I enjoyed lunch with Elizabeth, who was in town visiting from South Dakota (she was Promotions Coordinator at the Zone while I was Promo Director)
And my former boss (also from the radio station) - Mak - who was able to join us at the last minute!
We had a great time!
And what a small world, while we were enjoying lunch, Solon's boss Kim and co-worker Darryl came in for lunch at the same place! So I got to visit with them a little - which is always nice - and Kim got to meet Quincy for the first time.
*** Here is a video of Solon acting crazy, and getting Quincy to laugh at him. This is how Quincy acts pretty much all day long - too cute!
Last night, Solon, my mom and I felt extremely priveleged to attend ASU's Commencement program where our wonderful President Obama was giving the Commencement address. Our seats were no more than 100 yards from him, and it was just an amazing experience to be a part of.
Never before in my life has a single individual continued to move me with his words, to make me want to be a better person, to want to serve my community more than I have previously, to want to spread POSITIVITY in this nation that is still divided, but slowly turning around. He has inspired me with every speech he has given since the first time I heard him back in 2004. He is a brilliant man - and his charisma is infectious. He has the ability to light a fire underneath people to take action, and last night, he did just that. It was amazing to see first hand the support he had from EVERYONE (except of course the 5 protestors that were outside - which was pretty sad - but free speech nonetheless), and to hear the stadium roar in applause throughout his speech.
For those of you who missed it - I encourage you to watch it and really listen to his words. It is awesome.
The whole event was really inspiring - especially when a few of the top graduates were recognized. One guy migrated here from Lebanon, through Turkey, while learning 2 new languages, helping create refugee programs wherever he went, completed high school in 2 years in AZ, and then was graduating last night after only 3 years. He did a whole bunch of other stuff that I forgot. Then there was a girl who was receiving FOUR degrees - what? Watch out for her, she's about to take over the world. Then there was a hispanic student who grew up very poor but wanted to be an engineer. He was so smart when he and some friends competed in an engineering competition of some sort with only the $800 they had raised, and their passion for their project, they ended up beating a team of MIT students with an $11,000 budget, and went on to win all 3 awards. WOW! And then a 17-year-old graduate - while most people her age are graduating from high school at 17, she received her nursing degree last night, as the youngest student ever to be accepted into the program. All these students excelled academically while serving their communities. Unbelievably inspiring.
***In other news***
The last 2 weeks have been filled with a lot of fun with our little man. Quincy's personality is revealed a little more every day. He definitely thinks he is funny. He likes pulling the blanket up over his eyes, for me to pull off and say "peek-a-boo", then he laughs. The cute kissing thing I mentioned in a previous post? Well now he goes to kiss me, and burps (this happens only when I am nursing him) - and then he laughs. He now scratches his head while he is eating, which is so funny to watch, and his new thing is to make a motor-like sound with his lips. It's exciting to watch him discover something new every day.
Hanging with Kellan
Eating Solid Foods - Rice Cereal
New position - loves to scratch heads!
More from the Sunday night dinner vault (the week before Mother's Day)
Kellan giving Quincy a hug
Our cousin Marcus (sitting) & our friend Eddie from Cedar Rapids
Quincy @ a Wine Tasting event (pictured here with Aaron, Christina & Tyler Reese)
Only 6 weeks apart!
More food - sweet potatoes!
Garrett's 1st B-day Party: Balloons!; 1st time in a pool; Garrett & his cake
Eric, Charissa & Birthday Boy Garrett And of course, Sydney - I love this girl
Video of Quincy's 1st time in the pool
Mother's Day/Kellan's 2nd Birthday
I can't believe Kellan is 2 already. He loved the pinata at first but then didn't quite understand it, so we all took turns hitting it until the bottom broke open, and out poured cereal bars - Kellan's favorite!! He might be into it a little more next year. When Larel lit the candle on top of his cupcake, he said in a very authoritative voice, "Don't touch it (referring to the flame) - it's hot." He cracks me up.
We had a very nice time with the family and enjoyed celebrating my first Mother's Day with some of the other "Mothers" in my life. It was truly a great day!
So this is my first "official" Mother's Day. I was pregnant last year on Mother's Day but this is the first Mother's Day that I am celebrating since Quincy has been born. This has been a very exciting year for me, as many of my friends have also had their first child this year. And it is so wonderful how so many of my friends have already been celebrating Mother's Day for a while now, and some are currently expecting another baby!!!
So I thought I would put together a little tribute of all my friends, and their babies, in honor of Mother's Day. You women are all fabulous and wonderful moms!!!
Celebrating their 1st Mother's Day (in order of birth):
Jennifer, with Madison
Colleen, with Teagan
Me with Quincy
Claudia, with Gavin
Christina, with Tyler
Kristine, with Olivia
Danielle, with Eve
My friends who are celebrating this year with their newest addition:
MaryAnn, with Lily-Kate, and Violet
Monica, with Donovan, and Vivian
And my friends who are Mother's Day "veterans":
Charissa, with Garrett
Helen, with Collin
Joy, with Oren
Jaime, with Maia
Mimi, with Claire
Jacqui, with Addison
Kristina, with Sidney Supreme
Larel, with my nephew Kellan
Natalie, with Mia
Chrysty, with Katherine & Elizabeth
Jessica, with Reagan & Matilyn
Amanda, with Kayleigh & Zachary
Darrylee, with Larry, and Evan
Megg, with Morgan
Verlinda, with my godsons, Joshua and Cody
And of course, I would like to wish my mom and my mother-in-law a very Happy Mother's Day - you are so important to our family, and we love you more than we could ever put in words. Thank you for all that you do, and all that you are.
And Happy Mother's Day, to our Grandmas, Great-Grandma's, Aunts, Cousins, and Friends whose pictures I didn't post on here, because, frankly, it would have taken me about a month to put together! I love you all, and hope you have a wonderful day!